Monday, March 28, 2005

Dmoz Submitting is a Joke

I really think people have developed a "I will wait for you" approach to DMOZ - the Open Directory Project. Site Pro News has an article today that gives this as the best way to submit:
Procedure to follow for a successful DMOZ Submission:

1) Submit site
2) wait for 3 months
3) follow up email to category editor
4) wait for 3 months
5) escalation email to category editor above your category
6) wait for 3 months
7) ask for assistance in the Open Directory Public Forum
8) wait for 1 month
9) escalation email to DMOZ senior staff & post to various forums seeking help

How to spend a year and get no where is more like it here.

Get on the stick Netscape, force someone to start dealing with the problem on a large scale or the Project will be even further eroded. There is not much time left and an attitude is only going to hurt if editors are not truely willing to help.
This was started to stop the ego, now it is an old-school-tie group.

1 comment:

  1. AMEN! Man it really takes forever and 90% of the time you have no shot at getting a listing within a year, no matter how unbelievably fantastic and high-quality a site you have. I'm to the point where I almost don't even bother. I don't expect to actually have my listing request reviewed anymore... I guess I just submit sites there more as a force of habit or for old times' sake...
