Tuesday, June 27, 2006

MSN AdCenter Upgrade Pushed back over a Month

Earlier this month MSN announced they were coming out with more upgrades to the AdCenter - June 22 was the date given but according to a conversation today when nothing was noticed changed - MSN has pushed this off until the end of July.... I think odds are good it goes over that until SES San Jose.

Guess the new AdLabs has taken a little more attention than they thought.

I received this today as well - announcing the new AdLabs.

I want to share some exciting news with you. On June 22, at the Hitwise Search Essentials Seminar, Microsoft announced the launch of Microsoft adCenter Labs, or adLabs, to the public.

AdLabs has developed technology that’s at the forefront of innovation for paid search, contextual advertising, behaviorial advertising, and local advertising. Witness the power of adLabs today at http://adlab.microsoft.com.

Learn about the newest technologies
• Search Funnels: Customers tend to search by entering related keywords in certain sequences. You can use the adCenter Search Funnels tool to help you visualize and analyze these search behaviors through incoming and outgoing queries.
• Search Clustering: Microsoft adCenter’s Search Result Clustering (SRC) technology can cluster search results into semantically related groups in real time and then help your customers browse through the long list of search results. SRC can:
o Disambiguate queries that may produce contradictory results
o Display subtopics for search queries
o Display facts about people
o Show relationships among people
o Return answers when the query is a question
• Forecasting Search Volume Seasonality: Some keywords are searched more frequently at certain times of the year. Use this tool to help forecast the seasonal patterns of customers’ search queries.
• Content-Based Acronym Resolution: When a query contains an acronym or abbreviation, Microsoft adCenter technology can predict and display the most likely result based on the keyword’s context.
• Keyword Group Detection: This essential tool helps you find groups of words that are related or similar to your input keywords. Expand your keyword lists to maximize exposure to searchers.
• Keyword Mutation Detection: Based on Keyword Group Detection technology, this tool displays common misspellings or alternative representations of keywords that are frequently found in search query logs. This technology can help you broaden your keyword lists and then reach more customers.

Other notable technologies
Visit the adLabs site to explore: Content and Keyword Categorization, which enables Contextual Advertising; Demographic Prediction, which enables Behavioral Targeting; and Local Ads by PC Address technology, which enables automatic detection of a customer’s location.

About Microsoft adCenter Labs
AdLabs, a joint effort of Microsoft adCenter and Microsoft Research, is a state-of-the-art lab in Beijing with a mission to research and incubate advanced technologies for Microsoft adCenter. AdLabs is designed to provide you, the advertiser, with rich targeting capabilities and to give your customers a more relevant online experience.

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