Saturday, May 31, 2008

TechSet Coming To NYC

Watch out New York City the TechSet is crashing Internet Week. Stephanie Agresta just let me know that her band of mischief makers will be attending various events.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mahalo Daily VJ Finalists Rated

Okay Jason Calacanis is promoting Mahalo Daily and giving people input Idol style where you can vote for the finalists. All attractive women so not too hard watching - though no blondes some may be bottle brunettes.

My vote from bottom to top are below.

Brazilian Fight Dancing does not cut it - needed more experienced fight dances moves - not articulate VJ.

This one thinks the MMA guys are articulate and then the video shows them as to the contrary, unless compared to her.

Not too bad but slow and a little boring.

Interview a bit weak, some questions are silly.

Great smile, confident interviewer and action holds attention.

good interview and well mixed video - holds attention to end.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Who To Vote For?

Okay not necessarily the usual topic of my posts but it is something that will impact it, in my opinion.

I like John McCain - he gave for his country in a very direct manner. You have to respect that... but he echoes Bush way too much and the president is one person who scares me.

Obama I hope is the right call. He should stop the bleeding caused by Bush economics... in all walks of life I cannot understand how people would vote for a party that takes from most of their pockets. The Democrats spends most of the money on its people in the broad sense, Republicans tend to have a smaller number they call its people.